Thursday, August 4, 2011

30 Day Challenge!

So, I've decided to give myself a challenge. It seems that in order for me to actually get my butt writing is to put myself to work and not rely on "inspiration". So here it is. For the next 30 days I will be posting a new entry regarding the random things that happen to me and my personal search for the writer in me.

I've decided to be completely open and to share anything and everything that comes to my mind. This is a new one for me since I am infamous for keeping my personal feelings very private and not sharing with anyone anything other than kind words. It can get exhausting, especially when going through a break up and the other things that come with just being involved in living. But if I'm ever to really get to the point where I can write I will have to do some digging and sharing. Ugh!

I am totally anxious and hopeful that my over sharing will not come back to haunt me.

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